Time for some vision

In recent months the western world has seen the ongoing right wing populist experiment go into overdrive, Boris the mop head blustering his way towards Brexit, Trump openly inviting impeachment while simultaneously abandoning allies afar and trying to host a meeting of world leaders in his own resort. But here in sunny Oz, the fascist kleptocrats are pedalling hard to catch up with the big boys. Make no mistake, the Morrison government will attempt to destroy much of the social welfare state that is left after 25 years of neoliberalism, either by outsourcing government functions or privatising key components. In the meantime they will do nothing to arrest the ongoing carbon crisis or deal with any of the negative consequences of a capitalist system unfettered from government regulation, such things as static wages, job insecurity, rising inequality, homelessness, suicides...the list is seemingly never ending. Does this amount to a form of oppression by the wealthy elites and their ...