Trump's Chaos

Roberto Schmidt/AFP via Getty Images The halls of power in the US Capitol are still reverberating with the aftershocks of the Jan 6 riot which has so far left 5 people dead. There is talk of impeaching Trump who only has a handful of days left in the job or getting VP Pence to invoke some arcane section of the US constitution but most likely the architect of the mob invasion will escape. What is perfectly obvious is Trump was clearly at work inciting his loyal followers to invade the place and probably weakening any potential police resistance thus allowing the invasion of the US legislative building. Consider this pie chart for a moment taken from the "Fifty-nine percent of registered voters in the Jan. 6-7 poll did not support Trump's managing of the situation when his supporters broke into the Capitol building. By contrast, 41 percent of respondents did approve." 41% approve of the invasion! I'm sure if the invaders had been BLM protestors we wouldn...