Paltrow's Vagina

It's rare event to be afforded an opportunity to publicly discuss a celebrity's vagina. I mean, think about it. It's usually a taboo subject in a lot of ways, such as the furor over a ad for a pad that shows blood (which incidentally attracted the most complaints in 2019) or just the polite avoidance of generally discussing genitalia unless it's after a few drinks. Sure pictures of vaginas, but discussion? To be sure, there is no shortage of male bravado over the utility of a vag but to actually go public and market what is usually avoided, that is the smell of a vagina, is without a doubt a genuine reflection of marketing power in the capitalist world. I'm sure there are a few women thinking right now, I wish I had bottled the smell of my vag and stuck it into a candle. Especially on those days when it has a good stink going. There will be doubters. Does the candle really smell like Paltrow's vagina? How would anyone know? It could be just a rebadged ver...