Election Time

Is there an election coming? Fairly confident the answer is Barnaby, but that's leads inexorably to the "joke" if Barnaby is the answer then what the hell was the question? Actually, I'm thinking that's exactly the "question" the answer of Barnaby speaks to. That is, why did the Nats want to dump McWhatHisName in favour of the bluster from the bush? For exactly the reasons that most city folk roll their eyes, Beetrooter is highly visible and disgustingly popular with the hardcore landed class who own and control large slabs of rural Australia. He speaks their language, old age right wing conservatism bloke heavy with naked corruption written large. He's so obviously a politician for sale and that's exactly what they like. And he will bring the redneck Qld electors with him, so he's a perfect tool in the not too secret election about to be announced, once the distracting spectacle of the gold standard in covid containment assumes it rightful...