Election Time

 Is there an election coming? Fairly confident the answer is Barnaby, but that's leads inexorably to the "joke" if Barnaby is the answer then what the hell was the question?

 Actually, I'm thinking that's exactly the "question" the answer of Barnaby speaks to. That is, why did the Nats want to dump McWhatHisName in favour of the bluster from the bush? For exactly the reasons that most city folk roll their eyes, Beetrooter is highly visible and disgustingly popular with the hardcore landed class who own and control large slabs of rural Australia. He speaks their language, old age right wing conservatism bloke heavy with naked corruption written large. He's so obviously a politician for sale and that's exactly what they like. And he will bring the redneck Qld electors with him, so he's a perfect tool in the not too secret election about to be announced, once the distracting spectacle of the gold standard in covid containment assumes it rightful place in Sydney.

And Queensland is the key. The last time the ALP won it was when Rudd (a Queenslander) help the ALP sweep the state. His dumping subsequently destroyed the national vote for the ALP and it has languished ever since. 

So while the liberal minded might look aghast at the sight of the corrupt bunch of misogynists and molesters running the federal government, the brutal political reality lies in the string of seats that extend from the tip of Cape York south to Sydney.  (Screenshot via ABC)

With the exception of the Hunter and Lakes area and the Northern Rivers hippy enclave, the Libs and their fellow RWNJ hold everything outside the big cities. In a result that mirrors similar social/geographic divides in the US, the conservative side of Politics is making "hay" in the sunshine outside the big smoke (where the trendy lefties sip their lattes) while eating away at the softer underbelly of disadvantage in their opponents, ironically fueled by exactly the policies engendered by the corrupt divide and rule mentality inherit in their political makeup.

Of course they are enabled by a relatively right wing media landscape that is owned by those with a similar corporate mentality so it's fair to say only a complete fuck up will see anything but the LNP being returned to office, which is why I suspect Morrison is eyeing off an election.

The only complete fuck up that would cost him a win is obviously covid. So far he dodged every single bullet, he got spooked by the fires but covid saved his arse. Then our geography saved us from the worst, enabling us to exit the first stage of covid lockdowns pretty easily. Sadly the bipartisan nature of the deal to put the economy on life support will never be acknowledged, nor will the way the system was designed to allow the rich to rort and prosper so it's fair to say covid-19 has really been the perfect smokescreen for one of the most deceitful politicians every to become PM. 

The only way covid can cost him, because sure as shit the media will never lynch him for his lies, is if he continues to preside over a pathetic national response in terms of quarantine and vaccination. The probability is that he knows exactly what the state of play is with regard to both of those and he's going to go to the polls early because the longer he waits the more likely it is that the shit hitting the fan will start to stick to him.


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