Today the world ends

Melodramatic? Perhaps but it seems like it. It's another inferno outside. 11am and its 36 degrees. Meanwhile the south coast id on fire, quite literally.

I was born in Canberra. Retreats to the coast at any time of the year were mostly memorable for the time spent in majestic coastal forests stretching from Sydney south. They are the remnants of a forested land that existed in far greater area when the white people invaded.

By the end of today, most of it will be burnt.

The last significant stands of temperate coastal coastal forest not sub-divided by human settlement, now just smoking ruins.

The ecosystems. The watersheds. The effect of local climate. The surrounding towns.

Part of me has died. A sanctuary destroyed.

It seems completely unavoidable; these are very dark times. Apocalyptic. Terrifying. Global warming cometh.

The scale of these fires is significant on a global scale. Last I saw, it represents half of Oz's annual carbon budget. It is bound to be more. Much more.

Without an environment, there is no economy. There is nothing.


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