Undergraduate outrage

What does the AFR's take on Scott Morrison's aka #smoko #wherethehellareyou holiday tell us? Well more than anything it reveals that even after all the protests about a free and independent press over the Smethurst/ABC raids, most of the professional media are still quite happy to take their writing instructions from the very people they are supposed to be holding to account.

It reveals how much of a club politics and the reporting of it has become. There can be absolutely no doubt all the key players were given the heads up about #smoko's leave and we can safely assume this included Albo. And just quietly they all nodded and said sure, mum's the word. Some of them even defended the holiday saying the poor bloke deserves a break. Try telling that to some hospitality workers over the next few weeks or the people putting their lives at risk fighting the fires while organising their own charity.

If you think that is troubling, imagine what else we are not being told.

Just think about all the on-water confidentiality bullshit this government has been keen on. Or the outright lying and evasion by Angus Taylor, rightfully named by Crikey as the Arsehat of the Year or in fact any other aspect of government business. Clearly the media is only reporting what the club agrees to.

#Smoko's holiday also reveals what a cowardly hypocrite the man is. The smirking indignant countenance of a younger #liarfromtheshire as he ranted on national TV about a senior female police officer having dinner during the Victorian bushfires has given way to PM who just scarpers, leaving his minders to keep it hush hush while NSW burns. Gutless. He could have stood up and said, yes the fires are terrible but it's my time for a holiday but no, he fucked of like a thief in the night.

And the all the while the little club played along.

I'm sure when he returns, the club will dutifully report all the diligent back to work bullshit #smoko's office puts out. Because apparently that's their job, doing what they're told.


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